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11 II 2025

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OS compatibility list

A list of programs tested with the 65C816 ROM (version 2.10 dated 2.III.2006.). Notes:

  • OK - the program works without noticeable issues
  • NO - the program does not work
  • FIXED - the program has been fixed and works
  • RESOLVED - the system has been fixed and the program works
  • PARTLY SOLVED - after the system has been fixed, the program works better, but not perfectly yet
  • NOT SUPPORTED - the program does not work and I am not going to fix it
System and system utilities
Atari DOS 2.0s (BD)OKRESOLVED Conflict with new SIO resolved in OS v.2.10
Atari DOS 2.5 (BD)OKRESOLVED DISKFIX.COM issue resolved in OS v.2.10.
Atari DOS 2.5 / CP 3.08 (BD)OKOK
Atari DOS 3.0 (BD)OKRESOLVEDIssues that hadn't been noticed before have been fixed as of 2.10.
Atari DOS 4.0 (QDOS) (BD)OKRESOLVEDIssues that hadn't been noticed before have been fixed as of 2.10.
Atari DOS XE 1.0 (BD)OKOK
Chaos Loader (BD)OKNO Bootstrap program for AtariDOS disks. Failure reason: illegal system calls. The program is not worth fixing, use XDIR instead.
Disk Communicator 3.2 (DOS)OKOK
DOS II+/D (BD)OKFIXED Fixed version here, thanks Casper!
FDISK 1.40 + addons (DOS)OKOK
SpartaDOS 3.2/3.3 + addons (BD)OKOK
SpartaDOS Construction Set (BD)OKOK
SpartaDOS X 4.2x + addons (C)OKOK
SpartaDOS Toolkit (DOS)OKOK
SysInfo 2.0x (DOS)OKOK
TopDOS 1.5a (BD)OKOK
Watson (DOS)OKNO Illegal system calls. The program is not worth fixing, use DiskRX (from SpartaDOS Toolkit) instead.
XDIR (DOS)OKOK Bootstrap program for SpartaDOS disks. Must be patched to boot properly from anything else than D1:, patched version here
XLFriend (DOS)OKNO Works, but is unusable. Failure reason: direct references to the keyboard definition table, not using the vector
Atari BASIC rev. C (ROM)OKOK
Bug Hunter 1.0 (DOS)OKOKSurprise!
JBW's Quick unAssembler (DOS)OKFIXED Fixed version here.
MAC/65 4.20 (DOS)OKOKFP-related issue in earlier versions of the 65c816 ROM (resolved in 2.05)
MAE 1.1/1.2/1.3 (DOS)OKOK
Quick Assembler 1.0 (DOS)OKNO Failure reason: direct references to the keyboard definition table, not using the vector. The program is poor anyways, use MAE instead.
Turbo BASIC XL Compiler 1.1 (DOS)OKOK
Turbo BASIC XL Runtime (DOS)OKOK
Application and utility programs
1st XLEnt Wordprocessor 1.0 (DOS)OKOK
1st XLEnt Wordprocessor 2.1 (DOS)OKOK
Atari Planetarium (BD)OKOK
Black Magic Composer (BD)OKOK
Earth Views (aka Widoki Ziemi aka Nasza Ziemia) (BD)OKOK
Kleks (BD)OKOK
Mad Designer (BD)OKNO Illegal system calls.
Megafont II+ (BD)OKOK
Mini Office II (DOS)OKOK Program doesn't like to be started from anything else than D1:
Music Protracker 2.4 (DOS)OKNO Failure reason: direct references to the keyboard definition table. The program suffers other problems as well, it f.e. doesn't run from hard disk and cannot be started from subdirectory under SpartaDOS. Fixed version here.
Page Designer (BD)OKOK
Print Shop (BD)OKRESOLVED Problem resolved as of v.2.10 of the OS. Still can't be loaded in turbo mode.
Print Shop Companion (BD)OKOK
Robbo Konstruktor (BD)OKOK
Rubber Stamp (BD)OKOK
Saper Konstruktor (DOS)OKOK
SID Player v.0.97 (DOS)OKOK The program works OK, but it is distributed with DOS II+/D, which does not. You have to run the player under MyDOS or SpartaDOS X instead (or any other DOS, which works).
SoftSynth (BD/DOS)OKOK
Syncalc+ (BD)OKOK
Synfile+ (BD)OKOK
Typesetter (BD)OKOK
Trzmiel (BD)OKOK
Action Biker (BD)OKOK
Adax (F)OKOK
Airball (F)OKOK
Alchemia (F)OKOK
Alley Cat (F)OK- A working version here
Another World (BD)OKOK
Archon II (F)OKOK
Ardeny (F)OKOK
Arkanoid II (F)OKOK
Around the Planet (F)OKOK
Amaurote (F)OKOK
Aurum (F)OKOK
Axilox (F)OKOK
Aztec (F)OKOK
Battle of Shiloh (F)OKNO?
Bang Bank (F)OKNO?
Behind Jaggi Lines (F)OKOK
Black Lamp (F)OKOK
Blockout (F)OKOK
Blue Team Bridge (BD)OKOK
Boulder Dash (F)OKOK
Boulder Dash II (F)OKOK
Capture the Flag (F)OKOK
Cavernia (BD)OKOK
Chessmaster 2000 (BD)OKOK
Chimera (F)OKOK
Chromatics (BD)OKOK
Colossus Chess 3.0 (F)OKOK Issue resolved in 2.07.
Colossus Chess 4.0 (F)OKFIXED Fixed version. It continues to work normally on XL OS.
Contagion (F)OKOK Issue resolved in 2.07.
Crumbles Crisis (F)NO- Illegal 6502 instructions.
Crusade in Europe (BD)OKRESOLVED Problems fixed in OS v.2.10.
Crystal Castles (F)OKOK
Czaszki (F)OKOK
Deimos (F)NO- Illegal 6502 instructions.
Digi Duck (F)OKOK
Draconus (F)OKOK
Droga Wojownika (F)OKNO?
Drop It (F)OKOK
Drop Zone (F)OKOK
Dwie Wieże (F)OKOK
Eastern Front 1941 (F)OKOK
Eidolon (BD/F)OKOK
Excalibur (BD)OKOK
Exploding Wall (BD)OKOK
F-15 Strike Eagle (F)OKOK
Feud (F)OKOK
Fighter Pilot (F)OKOK
Frank&Mark (F)OKOK
Frogger (F)OKOKOn KMK/JZ IDE you must hold down the SHIFT key when loading the game.
Gallahad (F)NO- Illegal 6502 instructions.
Ghostbusters (F)OKOK
Global War (BD/F)OKOK
Go (F)OKOK Issue resolved in 2.07.
Grunwald (F)OKOK
Hacker (F)OKOK
Hans Kloss (F)OKOK
Hawkmoon (F)OKOK
Henry's House (F)OKOK
Hero (F)OKOK
Hydraulik (F)OKOK
Imperium Galactum (BD)OKOK
Indiana (F)NO- Illegal 6502 instructions.
Inside (F)OKOK
Inspektor (BD)OK- A working version here
International Karate + 102 (F)OKOK
Jet Set Willy (F)OKOK
Kabza (F)OKOK
Karateka (BD)OKOK
Kennedy Approach (F)NO- Illegal 6502 instructions, most probably
Kernaw (F)OKOK
Keystone Kapers (F)OKOK
Klątwa (BD)OKOK
Labyrinths (F)OKOK
Lasermania (F)OKNO?
Last Starfighter (F)OKOK Some people say that file version they have doesn't work on 65c816. This version works.
Leaderboard Golf (BD)NO- Illegal 6502 instructions. Lots of them all around. The program is most probably unfixable.
Marios Desert World (BD)OKOK
Master Head (F)OKOK
Megablast (F)OKOK
Microx (F)OKNO?
Midnight (F)OKOK
Miecze Valdgira (F)OKNO?
Miecze Valdgira II (F)OKOK
Mirax Force (BD)OKOK
Misja (F)OKNO?
Monstrum Demo (F)OKOK
Montezuma's Revenge (F)OKOK
Moon Patrol (F)OKOK Issue resolved in 2.07.
Bonus: "Moon Patrol" the game normally produces correct sound on 400/800 computers, and on XL/XE it doesn't do it correctly. The cause is that it relies on the Pokey state as initialized by the 400/800 OS, while on XL/XE computers the initialization is different. Here is a version that should play sound correctly on either 400/800 and XL/XE.
Mózgprocesor (BD)NO- The program hangs under XL OS too, so this must be a CPU-related issue.
Mercenary: Escape from Targ (BD)OKOK The program works OK. Problems were indicated here previously, but it turned over that I had a damaged copy of the game.
Mercenary: The Second City (BD)OKOK
Najemnik 2 (F)OKOK
Neron (F)OKNO?
Ninja (F)OKOK
Ninja Commando (F)OKNOThe bootable version should work
Odin (F)OKOK
Operation Blood (BD)OKNO The program doesn't start, reason unknown
Ortografia (F)OKOK
Outris (F)OKOK
Pirates of the Barbary Coast (BD)OKOK
Pitfall II (F)FIXEDOKIt works by accident. Fixed version here
Pole Position II (F)OKOK
Preliminary Monty 16k (F)OKOK
Problem Jasia (BD)OKNO The program basically works except that it displays some mess instead of the photo to be guessed (and this renders the game unusable). Reason: can't even imagine.
Raid over Moscow (F)OKOK
Rebound (F)OKOK
Renegade (F)NO- Illegal 6502 instructions.
River Raid (F)OKOK
Road Race (F)OKNO?
Robbo (F)OKOK
Rucu (F)OKOKDon't enable the added trainer (it is not compatible with the 65c816).
Saper (F)OKNO?
Scorched Earth (F)OKOK
Seksmisja AD 2044 (BD)OKOK
Shanghai (F)NO- Illegal 6502 instructions.
Ship (F)OKOK
Silent Service (BD)OKOK
Smuś (F)OKOK
Snowball (F)OKOK
Spindizzy (F)OKOK
Spitfire 40 (F)OKOK
Spy vs Spy (F)OKOK
Spy vs Spy IIOKOK
Spy vs Spy IIIOKOK
StarQuake (F)OKOK
Stealth (F)OKOK
Star Raiders II (F)OKOK
Streets (F)OKOK
Super Huey (F)OKOK
Super Reversi (F)OKOK
Technus (F)OKNO?
Tomahawk (F)OKOK
Trix (F)OKNO?
Tusker (F)OKOK
Upiór (F)OKOK
Vicky (BD/F)OKOK
Warsaw Tetris (F)OKOK
Warship (BD)OKOK
Władcy Ciemności (BD)OKOK
Włóczykij (F)OKNO?
World Karate Championsship (F)OKOK
Zybex (F)OKOK
Alien (F)OKNO Under 65c816 OS a very spectacular crash occurs
Atari vs. Commodore (BD)OKOK
Blue Monday (F)Almost OKNOHangs immediately after startup
Bonus II (F)OKOK
Das Omen (F)OKNOHangs immediately after startup
Digital Dream (F)OKOK
Ergo Bibamus (BD)OKNOHangs while attempting to load any part after the initial menu. This is not a question of serial routines, because the demo behaves exactly the same way when booted from hard drive. I have no clue why it doesn't work.
Falcon (F)OKOK
Five to Five (F)OKOK
Fucked Vocabulary (F)OKOK
Fuji Bird (F)OKOK
Fuji Boink (F)OKOK
Fuji Robo (F)OKOK
GCA Sound Collection (F)OKOK
Halle Project (BD)OKOK
Lamer/Quartet (F)OKNO Crashes immediately after startup. Reason: illegal call JSR OUTPLT.
Landscape (F)OKOK
Laser Demo (F)OKOK
Nemesis (F)OKOK
Numen (BD)OKOK
Pierestrojka Demo (F)FIXEDOK Fixed version. It works on 65c816, and continues to work normally on 6502.
Problem Jasia Demo (F)OKNO?
Revenge of Magnus (F)OKOK
Robocop (F)At least starts (hangs later)NO?
Sampler Demo (BD)OKOK
Self Control Demo (F)OKOK
The program starts, but the vector part does not work, and there are other problems as well.
The TOP 1 (F)OKNO According to the author, the program relies on officially undocumented ROM locations. In 65c816 ROM these locations are not directly accessible or don't exist at all, thus the problem is unfixable.
Total Daze (BD)OKOK
Unity (F)OKOK
Vicky Demo (F)OKOK
Warhawk Soundtrack (F)OKOK

Program types:

  • BD = Bootable Disk with proprietary filesystem format; note that program distributed as such may be - and often is - actually standard-DOS based; all of these were loaded from US Doubler compatible floppy disk drive (TOMS 720);
  • C = Cartridge;
  • DOS = program usable and tested under arbitrary DOS; for me this is SpartaDOS X 4.20; all of these were loaded from hard disk;
  • F = File, loaded from demo/game bootstrap; all of these were loaded from hard disk; © KMK
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